Available soon!
pricing indiebi pixels

As of May 2024, IndieBI has launched our premium plan options. This is a huge step for IndieBI to become self-sustainable while continuing to support smaller developers free of charge. We cannot thank our amazing beta partners enough to get us to where we are today!

IndieBI will continue to strive to be a community-based collaborative venture. We're committed to making IndieBI work for everyone, no matter the exact shape and size of your company and we're prepared to adapt our plans to match that.

indiebie logo
The eventual fees will follow three key rules:

Free for upstarts

The entire service, access to community and knowledge base will be free of charge for indies who have not yet had their breakaway success and don’t have enough sales to give back to the community yet.

Proportional to success

IndieBI aims to always be an investment that clearly pays for itself. The more successful your titles, the more you have to gain by making better decisions and optimizing your strategy. We've seen that the optimizations that IndieBI enables for larger, multi-million dollar games are regularly worth north of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. We expect our fees to represent a small fraction of that upside - hundreds to low thousands of dollars a month depending on the magnitude of your success.

Sufficient to grow

The fees collected for IndieBI should be enough for the team to keep the service running and developing at a healthy pace, to expand the team as necessary, and to provide a surplus for funding research, scholarships, and talks to amplify the team’s work.